
This page is to help you understand the differences of our Full Package plans (plan D, E & F) and Direct Hiring Package plans (plan A, B, C). 


Full Package

If you find and hire a helper using our agency, the package will be considered as a Full Package. 


In the Full Package, there are 3 different plans.



Plan D

This plan is the most popular amongst employers as they take our consultation first before starting to look for a helper.


Before you start interviewing any candidates, we take the time to understand your needs, offer advice and additional information in the consultation.

Once we have the details, we will introduce helpers who have passed our screening process, ensuring that the helper matches your family's needs.


If you are interested in our full package PLAN D, please book a consultation.



Pay the consultation for HKD800

Find a helper

Signing of contract and relevant documents

Pay the remaining balance of the full package within 4 days;

The consultation fee is deducted from the Full Package fee.

The final price you will pay for Plan D is HKD9,100 (Local) or HKD12,400 (Overseas)

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Plan E

In this plan, you will need to submit a job order form to us first. After receiving your order form, we will show the resumes of interested helpers to you.


You will need to review their resumes individually as they are applicants who may have not gone through our screening process.


If you have any questions regarding the applicant(s), the interview is the only opportunity to get more information.



Find a helper

Signing of contract and relevant documents

Pay the full package within 4 days

HKD9,900 (Local) or HKD13,200 (Overseas)


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Plan F (Advance Payment of the Full Package)


You will receive the same service of Plan D, along with the following additional benefits: 


→ We can arrange phone interviews at any time (not just on the helpers' day off)

→ We pass the helpers' contact number immediately if the helper agrees

→ You can request helpers to visit your place if the helper agrees


The package fee remains the same for Package D and F, however, there is a difference in the timing of payment.




The consultation is not only for 1 hour. We are here to support you if you have further questions during the process of looking for a helper.


This consultation service is not limited to only who are planning to buy our full package. This service is open to all.


Consultation period: Within 3 months from the first consultation date (Refund is not available)

Please bring cash, cheque or transfer to our bank account in advance


Note: The employment contracts are based on mutual agreement between employers and helpers.



Direct Hiring Package

Plan A & Plan B - Local

Plan C - Overseas


If you find yourself having any reservations or wanting to have further screening, you may consider Plan B as it offers to assess and evulate the helper and provide you with our honest feedback.



Ways to Find a Helper

Here are some ways to find a helper through our agency.


  • View the helpers' resumes on our our Helper Search page and let us know of the helpers' name
  • Submit a job order form and wait for applicants who are interested in your job offer
  • Take our consultation (HKD800) and then we will search the closest matching helper(s) and show their resumes and additional details to you



The decision of helpers wanting to sign with you or not depends on your job offer and family dynamics.


Most of our clients take our consultation to get ideas for hiring good helpers through us.